Category Archives: Hilarious kid moments

Things said or done by my offspring that made life more fun

“When I Grow Up” and Other Things That Never Stop Being funny to Me…

What few people tell you about having children is how funny they are. Kids are hilarious. They say the best and most ridiculous things. Continue reading “When I Grow Up” and Other Things That Never Stop Being funny to Me…

Mommy Loves Coffee

Apparently this sums up summer!!!

I mean we did encourage her to keep a journal over the summer break. I just didn’t expect it to go in quite this direction.

Honourable mention about my two cup a day coffee habit, is arguably note worthy of course. I mean it doesn’t get much more fun than that when we discuss summer break now does it?! But is it really too much to ask that I don’t look drunk with my coffee, and struggling to stay upright on my chair in the sunshine?!

Well this gem of a picture prompted some inquiries as to what mama puts in her coffee… (cream and sugar, thank you very much). HA. Thanks kid. Nothing like looking drunk on your coffee to start off a new school year on the right foot!

“No, I do not have drinking problem. Yes, I love coffee. Yes, we did some amazing things this summer. No, I did not make my children watch me drink coffee all summer long…”

Sheesh remind me to think twice before enjoying a cup of coffee on our back deck.

A 5-yr-old’s Summer Bucket List

With all this talk of summer bucket lists lately, I thought I’d write one on my daughter’s behalf. So here’s what I can gather it would look like, based on the first official week of summer break together!

Continue reading A 5-yr-old’s Summer Bucket List