Coconut and Rum Rice Pudding


Over the years I have been on the search for a stellar rice pudding recipe that met with my approval. I find rice pudding is full of potential to be lovely and comforting, but too often turns out to be nothing really special at all. Therefore I am quite pleased to say that after several different recipes and a little tweaking I have found it. Continue reading Coconut and Rum Rice Pudding


As creativity is never in short supply in our house, and I am always searching, making or creating something new. It’s of no real surprise that my children turn out ‘masterpieces’ like there is no tomorrow.  In fact someone is painting as I write this!!! (… which someone else who IS writing this will have to clean up later…).

But how often do you get the chance to work with an acclaimed local artist to create something completely unique and beautiful?! Continue reading the LITTLE PICASSO SERIES